It was the 5th Annual Conference organised by 5 Hungarian protestant churches (Reformed, Lutheran, Methodist, Baptist, Pentecostal) of Hungary that was held in Debrecen on 8th February 2020. The event venue was the large church building of the Reformed Church, where around 1,500 people gathered together from the Carpathian Basin to praise the Lord and to listen to encouraging messages. Daniel D. Szabo, an elderly, yet still active Gypsy mission worker of the Reformed Church said the following words 10 years ago: “It is a surprising miracle from the Lord, that He uses the Gypsies to bring the different denominations closer to each other.” Many years later his words became true.

The theme of this conference was “Create in me a clean heart, O God” from Psalms 51:10. Zoltan Kurdi (Methodist Church) worded well the purpose of the day like this: “Our hearts are under attack, and the Word of God tells us to guard it above all else. That is why we need to clean our hearts.” Several other mission leaders and government representatives greeted the audience as well. The songs for this event were led by the Exodus Worship Team, who created good spiritual atmosphere at this special event.

Rupi Gabor from Korond (Romania) was the main preacher of the day. He emphasised the following: “God’s love is in the hearts of all people, and this is why the devil doesn’t seek the wardrobes in our houses, but the treasures in our hearts.” Then he addressed the audience with a challenge: “So let us throw out the bad things from there and ask God to give us a clean heart!” His sermon was followed by a prayer time.

Several Christians shared their testimonies during the afternoon session, when they testified about the great changes only God was able to perform in their lives. After each testimony the brave testifiers got prayed for by their own Gypsy mission leaders.

Peter Bakay closed the day with the following words: “We have heard about miracles–so let’s be brave to ask things from God!” God wants us to pray for our loved-ones, for our own success, for the growing of His Kingdom, and last, but not least, for clean hearts and steadfast spirit, in order to be able to stand firm in all challenges of our lives, and to have a live relationship with Him.

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