On January 9, 2018, God gave me a dream. In my vision, I was driving down a long, dusty road. I saw a temple standing at the end of the street. I immediately understood God’s idea. I recognized that area so I knew there was an empty plot standing where I imagined the temple. “I am not suitable to build a temple” – I thought to myself.

In the meantime, a missionary woman in Finland had a similar dream, for a whole week she repeatedly dreamt of a temple in the same place.

The prophecy was clear, God wanted us to build a temple in the most marginalized area in Mezőberény, known as Delhi. God wants to reach the Roma regardless of wealth and nationality, may this Temple be an instrument in the hands of the Lord.

HGMI deals with challenges with a holistic approach. We believe that doing missionary work among the Roma is a 24/7 mission, and it has to reach every aspect of life. Building trust and relationships cannot be limited to working hours. We boldly declare that only the redemption of Jesus can restore lives once and for all.

I knew it would cost a fortune to build a temple. My wife, Hajnalka and I bought the land at our own expense. From a young age I write poems so I decided to “build the temple from poems”. I have been going to different churches for the past four years where I talked about my vision, they could support the construction by buying my poem anthology.

The event of the laying of the foundation stone happened on March 28, and we placed also a time capsule under the foundation stone.

God is faithful, He has great plans for the Roma nation, and the best is yet to come!

We are thankful for all the donations, to the government for their support, and special thanks to my wife, Hajnalka, my greatest supporter!

László Surman
Mission Director of HGMI

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