Hungarian Gypsy Missions International and Roma Networks have organized the 2. European Roma Mission Conference in Békés (Hungary) in last September, where Roma mission workers from 27 countries had participated. At that conference the participants from each country have elected 1-2 persons who will represent the Roma mission work of their countries at Roma Networks meetings in the future.

These country representatives had a meeting in the Hriscansko Udruzenje Beograd (Christian Trust Belgrade) Bible School building on 29-31 March to introduce their work, to get to know each other and the vision of Roma Networks, to discuss what to do next.

At the opening meeting Miki Kamberovic, the Serbian member of the Roma Networks Steering Committee introduced the vision and mission of Roma Networks through a presentation: network, connect, and research for the sake of sharing the gospel and seeing transformation in Roma communities throughout Europe. It was followed by a praise and worship time and prayers.

At the following sessions the representatives introduced the results and the needs of Roma mission activities in their Countries. There was a time for questions and answers also.

The countries who had already had good connections with each other were put together into regions and these regions had a separate discussion meeting to plan the future activities, see the opportunities and duties. Most of these regions had decided to have regional meetings in the future. After this the groups were united again for a time of giving report about the regional discussions and plans.

There was a final meeting on the last day where the country representatives got a blessing, they were sent out and they also had Holy Communion. Albert Durko, the president of Hungarian Gypsy Missions International shared the Word of God and challenged the workers who had got weary and frustrated to pray honestly and ask God to refresh their hearts. The Holy Communion after that message was the expression of unity and it had touched the hearts of many.

Afterwards many of the participants expressed their appreciation for the meeting in Belgrade and they were glad to find new relationships with brothers and sisters.

We hope our God Almighty will continue the god work He has started in us and through us, so more and more people will get to know God and Jesus Christ, whom He had sent.

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