Josiah Boyd

On August 22-23, Josiah Boyd returned to our community as part of the August seminar series organized by Prepare International and the Hungarian Gypsy Missions International. The American teacher led a series of lessons on major New Testament themes for the mission’s educators, who found the sessions both enriching and inspiring.

Following the seminar, Josiah continued his ministry over the weekend, speaking to two congregations. On August 24, he delivered a powerful message on grace in Kiskunmajsa, using a chair as an illustration. He explained that just as the chair supports our weight, God carries our burdens, yet desires to lift us up and set us free. The message resonated deeply with the congregation, making it a particularly blessed event.

On August 25, Josiah ministered in Kunágota, where he shared an encouraging message rooted in his own testimony. Preaching from John chapter 11—the story of Lazarus—he reminded the congregation that “in our darkest moments, when we turn to Jesus, He is always there.” His words brought comfort to those facing challenges, offering a profound reminder that Jesus is ever-present and can restore hope even in life’s greatest crises.

This weekend was a time of great blessing for all who participated. Josiah Boyd’s teachings inspired many to place even greater trust in God’s grace and presence in every aspect of their lives.

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