Hungarian Gypsy Missions International had the privilege to welcome a short term mission team from Finland at the beginning of March 2018. 14 young people came to share the Good News with Hungarian people in several locations where we have Roma churches.

On the first day they had visited the Mayor of Elek, who introduced them to the history of the town and the 5 local nationalities (German, Romanian, Slovakian, Roma and Hungarian) living together in peace. He also took them to the local Roma Museum where a Hungarian husband and his Roma wife had gathered a nice collection of every-day tools and utensils Roma people were using in the past. In the afternoon the team visited the local Roma House Church in Mezőberény where they ministered to the children first with songs and drama. After the children’s ministry the team started to minister to the adults also with songs, testimonies and Bible study.

On the following days the mission team visited Zákányszék, Eger, Kerecsend and Kótalj with great expectations and enthusiasm to share the Gospel with the local children and adult people who were mostly Roma. They also shared moving testimonies of how God had changed their lives and how He gave them a new purpose for living.

It is a special experience every time we have foreign visitors to minister with us and to get to know our culture and churches more. There was a great need for their ministry wherever we took them. They shared the love, mercy and goodness of God with everyone and we could see the people were touched deeply in their hearts. We took time to pray for people in physical and in spiritual need at the end of every event and we could see the Spirit of God moving in the lives of the people.

Our hope is that we can receive more of this kind of short term mission teams in the future. May all the glory go to the Almighty who lives among the praises and worhip of His people and fills our lives with His glory.

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