president of organization speaking

The fifth “Well in Spirit” event, held at the headquarters of HGMI, provided exciting and insightful lectures and valuable thoughts for the participants, who this time explored the topic of “Past, Present, Future – Chances for Generations”.

At the April event of the series primarily aimed at young people, Liliána Bela-Durkó, a psychopedagogue, and Gábor Lettner, the pastor of the Reménység Pentecostal Church in Pécs and the leader of the Southern Transdanubian Church District, gave lectures, covering many important topics.

Participants heard about the dangers of the online world, the mental state of different age groups, and the challenges between generations. They agreed that today’s students and young people face a lot of burdens, but they also received encouragement that God is still capable of miracles and providing help in making good decisions.

“Unfortunately, the Z generations include the most depressed young people. Studies also show that this is the loneliest generation, and members of the preceding X generation do not yet know how to help. There is great uncertainty, a lack of future perspective, yet we have some good news. God is still able to help in making good decisions and provide stability in life” – was heard during the afternoon.

The lectures, interactive parts related to them, and answers to questions, just like in previous programs, were inspiring to all participants this time as well.

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