First of all the GypsyAid of Hungarian Gypsy Missions International wants to thank all the donations and support we received from many kind people in this time of hardship. Let’s continue our cooperation in helping the Ukrainian war refugees to find shelter and food.

The aid team of HGMI was departing from it’s central office packed with donations to see how we can help the Ukrainian war refugees more efficiently. The escaping families are thankful for every help, but there was a request we were unfortunately not able to meet. One young boy’s only request was he wanted to be reunited with his father again.

The mission team’s first stop was at the railway station close to the Ukrainian border. Most of the people there left all their belongings behind. Hundreds of people, children, adults, old and young were seeking help and looking for a place to go to sleep at.

“We left our husbands and children home. My two sons and two grandsons had to stay home, I was able to bring only my youngest ones with me and unfortunately they are ill, but we had to leave home. The air defense sirens sound and we don’t know what will happen next minute. There aren’t any bunkers in my village so we could not hide anyway, and we only speak Hungarian. There is great fear in people, many have departed, only a few people stayed in the towns.” — said one of the waiting women about the every day hardships.

Another mother had set on the road with four kids.

“We had to come, the lives of our children is the most important. We left everything at home, but we couldn’t wait any more. It was very difficult to leave, I was brought up there, everything ties me there, but everybody is overwhelmed by fear over there.” — told us a young lady answering our question.

Another family came also from Transcarpathia, and our mission team was able to help them by giving them useful items, clothes, bedding. They consider themselves lucky, since they can stay with the family of the father’s brother. “We could bring almost nothing with us except our ID papers and the clothes we wear. We left everything behind, so we are grateful for every help.”

The team left the border to visit some of the Mission’s community houses to bring donations there, where some refugees have been accommodated already. At one place we met 12 members of a family: 8 children plus the women of the family stay there. Instead of complaints we heard thanks from them for the opportunity to sleep there.

“We give thanks to the Heavenly Father for this warm welcome by the brothers and sisters. At home people are hiding, not staying home, so we had to leave as well. Our children are at the age of 9 months, 2 years, there are older ones as well. I always think of home and our men, because the shops closed, they are not able to buy food. Yet, my faith will not abandon me. I asked the Lord to let us cross the border using our ID papers and He answered my prayer. I am grateful to be together with these brethren who can help us.” — told us the eldest member of the family.

At an other place many children filled the room in the community house, who fortunately kept their playful mood. Maybe they feel less of the fear of life’s uncertainty what we can see in the eyes of their parents. “We would like to return to our homes as soon as possible, this is my greatest wish.” — said one of the mothers while opening a chocolate bar for her son.

The refugees were welcomed with love at the third place as well. The family of 6 members had no idea what was awaiting them in Hungary, but as they mentioned they received all help they needed, and they are very grateful to their accommodation providers.

The GypsyAid of HGMI works continuously to support and accommodate the incoming refugees by opened our community houses for them at several parts of the country and by providing accommodation and hot meals for them.

Again, thank you for all the donations we have received so far.

Roland Kocsany

To be able to provide all this help we need your support as well. Well-meaning people can support the aid work mostly by financial donations to our following accounts:

Account holder:MPE OCM
Address:56 Petofi street, Bekes H-5630, Hungary
Bank name:OTP Bank Nyrt.
Bank address:16 Nador street, Budapest, H-1051, Hungary
IBAN (EUR):HU39 1176 3330 3316 8881 0000 0000
IBAN (USD):HU97 1176 3330 3316 9019 0000 0000
Note:Ukraine (+ include your email address)

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