Gypsy Methodology and Research Center

Gypsy Methodology and Research Center was established in 2012 with the purpose of studying social, economic and church processes related to ethnic Gypsies. The work of the Gypsy Methodology and Research Center (GMRC) is considered unique in Hungary in this respect. It brings content, decisions and new forms of operation that help professional forums to effectively help Gypsies adapt, develop and become useful members of society.


CivilGo (Civil management office)

Their goal is to help those religious and civil organisations, which promote the catch-up and integration of the Roma and disadvantaged populations.

Pepita Donation Center

For years, the Pepita donation center has played an active role in helping the needy. In the store located in Békés, the donations received are organized and sold to help families in need.
The idea of the donation shop was formulated several years ago. Since then, the center has played an important role in providing effective assistance. Today, Pepita is not only known in Békés, as donations regularly arrive from all over the country, in addition to clothes, the store also offers countless household appliances, home decoration items and even toys.



The activities of the Charity established by the HGMI open the door to collecting donations and delivering them to their destination. During the aid programs of the Charity Service of the Gypsy Mission, mainly the collection and donation of durable food, clothing, books, cleaning products and hygiene products is carried out, but its goals also include the recruitment and dispatch of volunteer workers and missionaries.
Currently, in Hungary, we have 14 LovePoints.


Occupational Rehabilitation

The purpose of occupational rehabilitation is to create conditions that facilitate the labor market integration of people with disabilities, so that the affected people become suitable for employment and be interested in employment.
The HGMI also supports people struggling with the disease with job opportunities. Work started in the rehabilitation center operated by the organization in February 2022.
At the HGMI site, people with disabilities can work in light, physically trained jobs, which gives many people the opportunity to escape from deep poverty.


“Hope and Care” - Home Care Service

The “Hope and Care” Home Care Service is a professional, humane care at home available to patients 24 hours a day.
Home care includes any professional support services that allow a person to live safely in their home. Professional caregivers such as nurses, aides, and therapists provide short-term or long-term care in the home, depending on a person’s needs.
Home care, patient care, patient supervision, as well as physical therapy and physical therapy services can be requested without waiting in the counties of Békés, Baranya, Bács-Kiskun and Csongrád-Csanád. From 01.03.2022, we provide state-supported, free of charge care to our customers.

Hopeful News Educational Operations Center

Founded in 2012 by the HGMI, the HNEOC assumed social responsibility in the field of public and adult education. HNEOC operates the Reményhír Vocational Secondary School, Primary Scool, Kindergarten, and Elementary Art School. n 2020, the Pest County Government Office added the HNEOC to the register of adult trainers. HNEOC is committed to the upbringing and education of disadvantaged and/or Roma children and the training of adults.
The goal is to provide disadvantaged students with an institutional environment that provides an opportunity for their self-esteem to stabilize, to catch up academically, to develop their talents, to acquire skills, and ultimately for successful social integration.
The aim is also to develop individual and community competences in order to meet the challenges of economic, cultural and technological development, as well as to contribute to meeting the new knowledge needs of the information society.


Hopeful News Mission

Faith-based activities and spiritual mission work are essential because the HGMI is convinced that only the Gospel can truly change people’s attitudes and ways of thinking. The fields of activity of the employees performing mission work are daily church planting, visiting home groups, educational mission, prison mission, youth mission, CD mission, and organizing evangelistic occasions. This work is carried out in 250 settlements, of which faith life activities take place in 73 settlements on a daily basis.


Bible school and CTL (Community Transformational Leadership) Programme

Our organization operates on the basis of Christian values, we believe that it is the word of God that can achieve real and effective change in the lives of individuals. It is in this perspective that we started our online Bible school, the purpose of which is for our students to get to know the Bible and learn the basic truths of the Christian faith and apply them in their lives.
After our initial course dealing with basic teachings, we launched a new course, the CTL programme that covers many areas of life.

Church planting and Evangelism

In the mission, special emphasis is placed on the creation of home groups at the national level, and then, after the expansion of the groups, the development of the congregation.

Foreign Missions

We work with our foreign partners to have an impact on the lives of the needy in the Carpathian Basin, Europe and other areas of the world.

National Missions

Since August 2009, the HGMI has also been involved in youth work, the aim of which is to reach young people through the Gospel. The activities include regular visits and support of existing youth groups, youth camps, summer youth programs, youth meetings, conferences, and the organization of concerts.
The mission serves 4-5 times a month in prisons, where interested inmates can participate in 2-3 small group sessions on occasion. All people living in difficult situations have the opportunity to know Christ, even if they are physically limited. Another goal of the mission work is for the inmates to reintegrate into society, waking up to a new realization.

Helping service

The purpose of our Helping Service, maintained by the Hungarian Gypsy Missions International, is to serve people in need who are partially or completely unable to provide for themselves. This help is on the basis of Christian principles and in compliance with the relevant laws and social professional regulations. Since 2009, our Helping Service has been providing the basic social service of home help to those in need at 16 locations nationwide.