The year 2024 began with significant challenges for Albert Durkó, president of the Hungarian Gypsy Missions International. However, by the end of the year, the organization experienced remarkable stability and growth. Throughout the year, they navigated financial and structural challenges, yet, as Albert Durkó stated, “God helped us and was with us.”
Despite the uncertainties and difficulties early in the year, the mission successfully fortified its foundations, ensuring a strong platform for future progress. The president highlighted that no layoffs occurred; instead, the mission welcomed new colleagues—a development regarded as a miracle during such challenging times. Additionally, congregations expanded, more individuals turned to faith, and the organization launched new training programs and initiatives. In elder care, a notable achievement was fully utilizing their authorized capacities, marking a significant milestone.
“Every day is a miracle—the fact that we wake up, live, and can work,” remarked Albert Durkó, emphasizing their perspective on God’s providence in both ordinary and extraordinary matters.
Hopeful for 2025
Looking ahead to 2025, the president expressed gratitude and optimism. The stability and growth achieved in 2024 lay a solid foundation for further advancement. With faith in God’s guidance, the organization is confident about opening new paths and reaching even more people in the coming year.
Reflecting on the year, he concluded, “I am very grateful for this year.” His gratitude extends beyond accomplishments to encompass the journey itself—a path filled with lessons, challenges, and miracles. “We faced many impossible situations, but with God’s help, we will overcome the obstacles ahead as well,” he affirmed.