Hungarian Gypsy Missions International (HGMI) put its vision into organizational form in 1996, and has been offering a helping hand to the most vulnerable sections of society ever since.

With a quarter-century of operation behind us, we are increasingly aware of pressing needs, and we offer a wide range of solutions to answer all of these. Thanks to this, we now provide services in many areas, including social primary caresites, education, and various mission activities.

The cornerstone of our organization has always been the hope we received from God and adopted as a guiding principle for our mission. A hope that proclaims that the last can be the first. Hope that lifts up the little ones. Hope that heals the broken. As a vision received from God, hope is the driving force that takes us forward every day. 

With this promise, I wish you God’s rich blessings in your life!

Albert Durkó, President